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A lot of us women (yes…I’m a woman!!loool) always think our standards are too high (btw if don’t have 1 get 1 now!!) ,you think it’s almost impossible to get the guy of your dreams or that maybe you just don’t deserve him- sweet heart that’s a lie from the pit of hell!!! don’t let the devil put evil thoughts in your head

Don’t you know the daughter  of whom you….you’re the  apple of Gods eyes do you really think he’ll make you end up with a riffraff in suit? nahhh…your too precious!!!

So I decided to write a list of the kinda guy I doubles as  a prayer request too I admonish you to write yours …and as we believe, may God answer our prayers by FIRE!!! hehe 😀

I deserve to be with someone who loves God more than he loves me

I deserve to be with someone who knows I’m not perfect but still wants to be with me regardless

I deserve to be with someone that loves me for who I am, not what he can get from me

I deserve to be with someone who is my no1 FAN

I deserve to be with someone who accepts me with all my ‘drama and craziness’

I deserve to be with someone that makes me better

I deserve to be with someone who supports me in all I do

I deserve to be with someone who won’t take me for  granted

I deserve to be with someone that won’t make me feel like he’s doing me a favour by being with me

I deserve to be with someone that won’t make me feel like I’m lowering my standards to be with him

I deserve to be with someone that  loves when around him

I deserve to be with someone who can’t stay mad at me…it’s just too hard!!loool

I deserve to be with someone to isn’t scared to tell me how he feels

I deserve to be with someone who can tell me his fears

I deserve to be with someone who can I tell all my problems to

I deserve to be with someone who I can grow with spiritually

I deserve to be with someone that will NEVER lay his hands on me

I deserve to be with someone who will NEVER cheat on me

I deserve to be with someone who loves me as much  as I love him..even more 😉

As long as God is alive ill never beg my way into someone loving me..I know who I am in Christ!!!

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