313EKO Shoes Review

I received this dope sandals from 313eko Shoes, choosing wasn’t easy trust me- their Instagram page (@313eko) is filled which the coolest sandals ever! I ended up choosing the gold embossed sandal – after changing my mind so many times-lol
Their shoes are made from the highest quality of leather,which gives you quality at its best concerning footwear.They have varieties from sandals to corporate shoes for both male and female.
These sandals are insanely comfortable, I normally have tons of problems with shoes being uncomfortable and causing ridiculous blisters but these are super soft! You will definitely be seeing these in an outfit post soon!
See some of their other designs? Which is your favorite?
Call +2348079805331
BBPin 562B3454
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Perfect gift for bae
I love the first white one
Hi Ugoch
pls contact on whatsapp 08079805331 to make more enquireries on the white sandals. Thanks