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Violet and Pink Ombre Hair

Violet and Pink Ombre Hair

pink and violet ombre hair

Ombré hair is a popular trend for 2014 so I decided to do something different from the regular blonde so I did violet and pink ombre!!

If your following me on Instagram,you must have seen me on this already,I’m still editing the tutorial for it but I’m so lazy/busy at the  moment x_x

pink and violet ombre hair
pink and violet ombre hair

I got the curls above when I brushed out the curls below (I used a curling wand)

pink and violet ombre hair


This hair was provided by the amazing people at Blush hair services (Review coming up soon) 


Instagram: @blush_hair_services

Phone: 08092906352

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P.S You get a discount if you tell them you’re from “The Fashion Engineer”

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