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Ribbon eyeliner is the new trend we’re obsessed with

Ribbon eyeliner is the new trend we’re obsessed with

Introducing Instagram’s latest makeup obsession – ribbon liner. Also known as twisted liner, or corkscrew liner, or spiral liner.It looks hard but its actually simple to recreate.

First, you have to draw a perfectly straight thick black line which flicks up at the end. And then, using coloured liquid liners, you draw multicoloured ribbons curling around the line.

Watch this ribbon eyeliner tutorial

How cute is this!

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You can even take it up a notch and try the swan liner.

If you do want to give the ribbon liner trend a go, try the Sketch Markers by Too Faced,With 12 colours to chose from you will soon become the ribbon liner master.Shop below

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  • YOU guys do a video
    I learnt how to draw brows from Dero. She made it easy with her down to earth explanation

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