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Lace Frontals VS Lace Closures

Lace Frontals VS Lace Closures

lace closure vs LACE frontal

Lace frontals and lace closures are becoming more popular here in Nigeria so If you’re confused between the two closure styles -we got you covered.

Lace frontals and lace closures  are both very useful in creating beautiful sew in installations. They both serve the same purpose, which is to close off an install. They both eliminate the need for a leave out especially if your hair is natural.

Lace Frontals

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A Lace frontal covers a larger area than closure as they will have a temple to temple hairline. This larger temple to temple area in combination with the replication of a natural hairline allows for many off the face type of hairstyles that are not possible with a regular closure.

Lace Frontals VS Lace ClosuresPIN IT


Lace Closures

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Closures do not run temple to temple. Instead they are placed in the “horseshoe” area at the top of a weave to close off the style. Closures can be installed by using glue, as well as by attaching with the use of clips or even using the “rubber band method” .

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 Depending on your style of choice, a lace frontal may be more appealing than a closure or vice versa. If you like to pull your hair back then a lace frontal will be best for you. If you simply want to close your install with a natural looking scalp then a lace closure will be the best solution for you. Either way they both will enhance your install by giving it the natural look that we ladies love

To help you further we found a tutorial that would help in your installation process

Youtube: Peakmill

What has been your experience with lace frontals and lace closures? Which hair brand have you used?


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