How to make an afro-wig yourself

I used pro-10 bohemian colour 4 12 inches …details about where i got it here

Put a plastic bag/shower cap over your hair( I’m using my doll), so the bonding glue doesn’t get on your hair and its rillie easy to get off the wig cap unlike the tissue paper people use( yuk!!!)

Measure the amount of weave you’ll need for each track, cut and glue it on your wig cap

When you get to the top of your ears start bonding it in a circular the weave is gonna fall in front of your face….like a fringe

After a while, it should come out like this

Now time for the closure,

See Also

Roll the track tightly together and hold in place for 1 min. Apply glue to the underside of what you just made.

Simply place the rolled piece into the dime sized hole. Apply a light spritz and press it down with a warm curling iron so that it is sealed in place.Find the middle and paste on the wig 😀

Final look-sowi its not so clear

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