Gidilicious: Johnny Rockets Burger

Hey you guys!!! so I asked people on twitter who made the best burgers in Lagos and a majority of them said Johnny rockets…first time I was hearing about them so I checked Hellofoods for their menu. You could order through hello foods but what I do is check which restaurants deliver and I call them myself ..when hunger strikes  no time! x_x

I got this very 30 minutes after i ordered but that was the only good thing about it…it was so mushy and it didn’t taste so good…KFC’s zinger burger is waaaaaay better!

johnny rockets nigeria

johnny rockets nigeria (2)

johnny rockets nigeria (4)

johnny rockets nigeria (5)
I ordered the #12 burger for N2,300 (free delivery)

Check out their menu here

P.S Guess who has been a good girl? meeee!! I blog regularly now..hehehe

P.P.S Would start the contour tutorial I promised once I get rid of the boil on my lower lids…loool

Have a Fantabulous Day

Sayedero Enytan


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