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Dental Care for Bleeding Gums in Naperville, IL

Dental Care for Bleeding Gums in Naperville, IL

There are many aspects to dental care and good oral hygiene in Naperville, IL and one of the most overlooked and most commonly neglected of these is the gums. Most people do not give much thought to the gums. Though they are a tiny part of your body, gums have a big job. The gums help to anchor your teeth firmly in place, their protect the teeth, cushion the jaw bone, and help fight off bacteria and infection. Most individuals do not think much about the health of their gums until they see blood in the sink after brushing. Dental care for bleeding gums is important but when it is addressed early on it is usually an easy issue to correct. If you are looking for local dental care or a dentist at “dentist 460540” for your teeth and gums, we invite you to call the Comfort Care Family Dental team today to see what we can do for you!

What Causes Bleeding Gums

Gums usually bleed becomes something irritates them or has damaged them. When it comes to determining the right dental care for bleeding gums, it is important to know what is causing the bleeding. Your local dental care experts can help you determine if any of these common situations are the same you are facing:

Gum Disease

When teeth and gums are not cleaned and cared for properly, bacteria can grow and attack the teeth and gums. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease, and one of the first warning signs of this problem is bleeding gums. Besides bleeding gums, you may also have symptoms such as increased sensitivity, painful teeth or gums, and chronic bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth.  Luckily, this stage of gum disease is reversible. Your local dental care experts can clean your teeth and remove plaque and bacteria and help keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong.


When you are pregnant, there ae many changes that occur and a lot of these are related to hormones within the body- this sudden change in hormone and other body chemicals can have drastic affects. Your gums are no exception. Hormone changes can cause “pregnancy gingivitis.” This condition usually subsides in the months after delivery but without proper care during pregnancy you can experience severe damage to your teeth and gums that will linger and worsen even after the pregnancy. This is why it is important to talk to your dentists and your OBGYN about the proper dental care for bleeding gums and other dental concerns you may have during your pregnancy.


The medicines can also have side effects that can make your gums more sensitive and more susceptible to bleeding. Blood thinners make it easier to bruise and makes it harder for the blood to clot which can make bleeding gums a big concern. You should tell your dentist if you are taking these medicines. Other medications can cause other symptoms that can also impact oral health- causing dry mouth, increased acid reflux, changes in hormones, blood sugar level spikes, and more. These are the thigs to consider when looking for dental care for bleeding gums and is why it is important to talk about the medications you are taking with the team providing you with local dental care on a regular basis.

A New Oral Health Routine

Changes to your normal oral care routine can cause temporary irritations.  If you have changed the type of toothbrush you use there could be some bleeding seen at first. Same holds true for using a new toothpaste or mouthwash- it may irritate the gums for a time and make them more likely to bleed. Changes to your diet and other lifestyle changes- both good and bad- can have a ripple effect that can impact your gums. So, if you experience unexpected bleeding, think about the possible changes you have made in your life that might impact your oral health.

When to See Your Dentist in Naperville About Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be unnerving, especially the first time you see that bright red in the sink, but it usually is no need for panic. In most cases, bleeding gums will heal and be fine on their own. You may need to consider getting special dental care for bleeding gums however if you have symptoms that do not go away or that worsen. You should seek out local dental care if you also experience other symptoms of gum disease, that include the following:

  • Red or swollen gums that look irritated or infected
  • Worsening or new sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Gums are pulling away from the teeth
  • There is a gap forming between the teeth and the gums
  • Frequent bad breath or taste in your mouth
  • Adult teeth are becoming loose or seem to be shifting
  • Changes in bite and the alignment of the teeth

With advances signs of gum disease like these, you need to take action- this is not something that can or should be avoided and ignored. The sooner you see your dentist, the more likely it is that there will be time to reverse the condition and save your teeth.

What to Consider if You Have Bleeding Gums

While bleeding are not on their own a cause to hit the panic button, it is a sign that there might be something going on and is a signal from your body that you should pay a little more attention to your teeth and gums- just to be on the safe side. If you are holding off on going to a dentist to get dental care for bleeding gums then we here at Comfort Care Family Dental recommend these local dental care tips for you to follow at home:

  • Brush and floss twice a day. Most people would not argue the value of brushing but many seem to think flossing is something that it is something that can be put off- it cannot!  Flossing is one of the most important steps to removing food particle and bacteria from between the teeth and from the gum line! Brushing and flossing both are essential to good oral health!
  • Consider an upgrade to an electric toothbrush. Most of the electric toothbrushes today are specially designed to deliver the optimal dental care for bleeding gums. It removed food and plaque and cleans the teeth and gums more effectively than a manual brush can.
  • Keep all your regularly scheduled appointments. You should see your dentist for a cleaning one to two times a year at the minimum.  Dental cleaning is much more in-depth and thorough than what you can do at home and is an important step to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. This is also an opportunity for your local dental care team to catch any early warning signs of issues that need to be addressed.
  • Avoid tobacco. One of the most damaging toxins to the mouth is tobacco and the toxins that come from smoking and chewing tobacco products. It can stain teeth, damage gums, cause oral cancer, lead to bleeding of the gums, and can lead to tooth loss among many other damaging effects.
  • Eat a healthy diet. The old saying- you are what you eat- is true. Your body needs a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals to be strong and to function properly. The same is true for your oral health. A good way to compliment a plan of dental care for bleeding gums is to talk to your local dental care team about any diet changes that might also need to be made.
  • Correct mouth breathing. Any time the mouth is dry the bacteria can thrive and multiply- it can also speed the deterioration of the enamel of the teeth. The gums will also be more sensitive and worn out when they are dry all the time which makes them more prone to bleeding. Finding ways to address mouth breathing at night and the use of special moisture rinses during the day is a great way to start combating this cause of bleeding gums.

There are many things that can lead to bleeding gums but thankfully there are also many things you can do to make your gums less sensitive and less likely to bleed. When you do need more advanced dental care for bleeding gums we invite you to contact our team of local dental care experts and let us show you what we can do for you.

Closing Thoughts About Bleeding Gums

Blood in the sink during a routine tooth brushing might not be a big deal but it is still something that needs to be watched closely. It’s important to remember- gum disease can advance and at times quite rapidly if there is a major issue leading to the bleeding.  This has greater ramifications to the rest of the body if it is allowed to advance to a severe level. You can monitor it on your own and take steps to reduce the flare-ups on your own but the only way to get true peace of mind and to know for certain there are no underlying issues you need to be concerned about is to seek out expert dental care for bleeding gums. If you are still looking for local dental care, we invite you contact us and schedule your consultation with us today- we would love the opportunity to show you the difference Comfort Care Family Dental in Naperville, IL can make for you!

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