Crochet Braids + KLS Naturals Review

I had my pink and violet ombre hair for about four months, till the wig started to fall
I practically begged security at the airport to allow me keep me snap backs on during the checks coz it was the only thing keeping my upart wig on my head lol
I got back on Sunday and the only thing I wanted to do was crochet braids,I asked on Instagram and I was directed to @kemilewis, she owns the KLS Natural beauty bar
Its the first time in a long time someone else was doing my hair, You guys know I’m a wig lover
I dont remember the name of the person who did my hair,but she was very patient and my braids didnt hurt much! My scalp is very tender,I actually cry when im making braids
I told her I wanted to be able to wear my hair as a center part and a side part and I wanted an invisible knot and she got it,it is perfect!
To make my crochet braids cost N5,000 which isn’t a bad price coz my cousin paid 90dollars to get hers done! (14,ooo+)
The hair I used
Femi Marley Braid,I got it from a B.S store near my house,I’m not sure where you can get it here,I guess you can try those kinky hair brands
I used 4 packs,a little hair remained so I want to use it to fill up the front
Worn as a side part (My Favourite)
Worn as a center part
Packed up
The back
The invisible knots for the center and side

Im going to wear my hair like this for a while, then curl it with my perm rods!
Contact KLS Naturals (They sell every natural hair product you can think of too)
Address: 29C Ikorodu Crescent, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos
Number: 0806 365 0977
Please do you know where to buy the hair in Nigeria anywhere mainland or island. I’m going out of my mind trying to find it.
Hey…I don’t think this exact brand is sold in Nigeria
how much did the marley braids cost?
i wish dis was truly made by KLS as she claimed, i made mine from her dat dint last up to 4days, went back on the 3rd day, to cut d story short, d hair dint last a week…..pls dont be fooled o
Hi, could you re use the braiding hair after taking out this style?
hmm, i did reuse mine – but i guess you can make it a wig
Pls can I use this product for Marley faux locs and how much would that cost ….how many would I use for medium length faux locs.