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Dress Up: Tonto Dike’s Video Shoot

Dress Up: Tonto Dike’s Video Shoot

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert- Isaiah 43:19

Hey lovelies!! Sorry it took a while for me to start posting.. I had 2 get a modem since my neighbours wifi became ‘unreliable’ ..lool
Ok so I helped out celebrity stylist Bolaji on Tonto Dike’s ITZ OVER video shoot …It was an experience yo! Alot of work goes into these videos..You have no idea!! (It was my first time on set btw)

I love leather soo much right now….I ordered dis leather skater skirt from,its cute but its not as thick as i’d want it to be *hunting for another*.Its quite short so I just wore tights underneath

*sorry for the picture quality btw*

tontos shoot
tontos shoot 2 tontos shoot 8tontos shoot 4

 That’s Yele..she’s a stylist too!

tontos shoot 3

Her Sneakers are soo dope!! (Micheal kors)

Pics from the shoot

So i was asked not to blog about the pics I took so as a woman of integrity im trying to be, i wont! lool…but I found pictures online so imma just put that up 🙂


The Fashion Engineer at work! HEHE!

image (1)

Btw bolaji is a genius!! This skirt was just a net material tacked together! its came out soo nice!
image (2)

See Also
ThreadUp Review, Tahari Blazer

I don’t have any juicy story about Tonto Dike…loool…incase you’re expecting me to do amebo..hehe!! but I must say shes super POLITE!! I heard too many thankyous  for one day! Ill find it hard to critic her from now on..its that bad! I can only pray to God to make me that polite one day 😀



Btw..i need you guys to vote for my entry picture here :D..U can vote everyday 😀

Have a Fantaboulous  Day

Sayedero Enytan


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