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DIY: Magazine Nails

DIY: Magazine Nails

Hey Lovelies!! how’s your Sunday going?  Have all the fun you can today, tomorrow’s  Monday  hehehe! *evil laff*

I’m not a nails person at all! My natural nails are beautiful but they crack, bend and break a lot! I even have a particular nail that doesn’t grow at all! and even when I decide fix my nails..Its either the glue isn’t strong enough so I loose it during my day to day activities or end up with half nails when I take it off!! I’m trying to put  some effort into growing nice healthy nails (Ill share some tips later on)

So I was bored yesterday and I decided to some nail art with magazines

It’s not perfect but it should come out way better if your patient 🙂

You will need

White nail polish

Transparent nail polish

A Magazine

Cotton Wool

Water/ Rubbing alcohol

Step 1:Paint your nail with white nail polish

magazine nails
Step 2:Place the design you want on the nail you just painted

magazine nails (2)

magazine nails (4)

Step 3:Wet your cotton wool with water and press hard on the magazine for about 10seconds

magazine nails (3)

See Also

Step 4:Remove gently and apply the transparent polish

magazine nails (5)

I tried na …loool

P.s I hope you like the new changes I’ve made on here…Many more to come….

Have a Fantabulous Day

Sayedero Enytan


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