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Dress Up: Slow Down

Dress Up: Slow Down

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance – 2 Peter 3:9


Lately I’ve been thinking too much…..much of it is accredited to the fact that im going to be 23 in a few days, I’m graduating soon. and I really haven’t achieved all that i planned- so I’m kinda not looking forward to it 🙁

BUT! I’ve learnt to slow down and count my blessings, God has really been awesome mehn, If He stops blessing me now, I’ll still have so much to be grateful for and like they say, if you thank God for his finger you’ll see his hands!!! (Can’t wait for hands o’Lord!!loool)


Blazer:Zara // Vest: Gift //Pants:Asos // Shoes: Shoedazzle // Bag:Avon // Ring: SchoolIMG_8115IMG_8150 jlk IMG_8127Have a Fantabulous Day

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