5 Easy Yet Fashionable Hair Styles That Don’t Damage Hair

Have you ever admired another lady’s hair style and thought ‘Wow that looks great, it must have taken her ages!’? All of us have at some point, and it’s usually at that point where you look at your ‘same ol’ hair style’ and want to mix things up.
Sure, putting your hair up when it’s wet then wearing it in a pony tail (in the same place every day) is tidy and fast, but did you know it can cause damage to your hair and scalp? Believe it or not, getting a relatively glamourous look that doesn’t stress those lovely locks doesn’t have to take too much time!
Let’s take a look at some quick and easy styles that aren’t just fashionable, but are kind to your hair and scalp!
1. A loose braid
Tight braids can pull on your scalp, but a loose braid is much kinder on your hair and can be done in less than a minute. Pull your hair together at the nape of your neck, divide into three sections and then plait until you get to the bottom. Make sure it’s loose and then secure at the end with a fabric tie. You can pull out some pieces of hair around your face to give it a more natural and relaxed look.
2. Twisted headband
For this style you’ll need a circular headband that goes all the way around your head. After you put the headband on, fold the ends of your hair over the band at the base of the neck and tuck them under. Take a few seconds to spread your hair out so it covers all of the band and you’re good to go!
3. Half up, half down top knot
One look that’s very ‘in’ right now is the half up, half down top knot style. Simply separate your hair across the crown of your head and gather your hair back from your forehead like you were making a ponytail. Twist that hair around into the shape of a bun and secure with some bobby pins or a fabric hair tie.
4. A sleek chignon
This a no-fuss glamourous style that is great for work or a night out. Pull your hair into a low ponytail and tie with a band. Then twist the lengths around to form a bun and secure with a few clips and some hairspray.
5. Halo hair extensions
Many hair extensions cause some kind of damage to your hair and can be expensive or time-consuming to put in. But Halo hair extensions are the best alternative because they take just seconds by positioning the halo-shaped piece on the crown of your head. Not only can you get long and luscious locks without much effort at all, you can have peace of mind that you aren’t damaging your hair either.
Feeling Inspired?
As you can see there are many different ways to style your hair when you only have a few minutes to get ready. These styles are simple, look great, and best of all they won’t damage your hair or scalp.