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4 Tips for Looking Fresh and Fab After Partying All Night

4 Tips for Looking Fresh and Fab After Partying All Night

There’s nothing wrong with partying during the holidays. After all, you’ve spent most of 2016 stressed out at work, paying bills, and doing errands that just aren’t fun. The holiday season is a good excuse to take a break from your job and enjoy the company of your loved ones. And with numerous parties scheduled before the end of the year, it is likely that your weekends and Friday nights are heavily booked. This means that you can drink and be merry to your heart’s content. What is not accepted, however, is looking like a wreck the following morning.

Aside from a splitting headache, you’re up against the consequences of drinking and eating all night long: fatigue, inability to concentrate, dehydration, and many other unpleasant sensations. All of these can show on your face and skin the next day. Thankfully, there are a couple of things you can do to cover up the effects of binging on food and alcohol. Refresh yourself quickly by trying out the following:

  1. Wash and Moisturize Your Face First Thing in the Morning

Consuming alcohol can cause dehydration, which will definitely make you thirsty and dry your skin. The moment you get up, head to the bathroom and wake your face up with a cold splash. When washing your face, use soaps that help moisturize your skin, like Dove. However, if the soap-and-wash routine isn’t enough to lighten up your skin, try putting on moisturizing creams after you’ve dried your face. You can try COSRX’s Make Me Lovely Cream to cover up pimples and keep your skin moisturized throughout the day. At the same time, the cream also hides highly visible pores, helping lessen the effects of last night’s shenanigans on your face.

  1. Put on Those Face Masks

A face mask is a great alternative to moisturizers, especially when you need to look sober quick. It only takes a couple of minutes for the mask to work its magic, and your face will feel fresh and light in no time. However, not all facial masks act the same because some are designed to address a specific problem, like acne or dry skin. But if you are looking for a mask that can give your skin that beautiful morning glow, you can use TONYMOLY’s Seaweed I’m Real Mask Sheet. This product is made from a 3-layer pulp sheet filled with a micro emulsion-based essence that deeply cleanses your skin with natural oils. Its milky texture will enrich your skin and make it supple to the touch. It doesn’t contain parabens, talc, or any other harmful chemicals that can burn your skin.

  1. Take Time to Cool Your Eyes

Another problem you need to deal with is the puffiness of your eyes. Of course, there are homemade tricks that can reduce the swelling, like placing two cold spoons over your eyes. However, if you want better results, you will need to use eye creams. Eye creams are designed to address the fine lines and wrinkles that come with age, sun exposure, and constant eye movements. These creams are specially formulated for the sensitive skin under the eyes. They usually contain peptides, retinol, and vitamin C to help with collagen production. At the same time, the ceramide and hyaluronic acid in these creams also help improve skin elasticity and prevent moisture loss. You can keep your eye cream in the fridge to lend it a cooling effect when you apply it around your eyes.

See Also

  1. Rely on Your Mad Makeup Skills

Makeup is a good cover-up for a lot of things. With the right combination, you can hide scars, pimples, and of course, the aftereffects of a hard night. But you have to be careful, too, as putting too much or too little makeup will make your hangover more obvious. In this case, you have to rely on your mad makeup skills to make it work. Here are some key points you should remember:

  • Hide dark circles and puffy eyes with a handy dandy color corrector or concealer
  • Put some blush on the apples of your cheeks before putting on foundation
  • Apply light foundation
  • Don’t use dark colored eyeliners. Try something new like white
  • Add contouring to the hollows of your cheeks and down the sides of your nose

We all know that going wild during the holidays is fun. However, looking like a hideous beast the morning after is the exact opposite of having a good time. Just remember these quick tips for freshening up and you’ll have little trouble looking alive after a party.

View Comment (1)
  • The morning after a long night of partying is very tough to handle, even if you don’t have to be anywhere the next morning (other than your bed). Thanks for these wonderful tips..!!

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