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This concerns her only today

This concerns her only today

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He’s a very strange young man. Alright, McFly, you’re asking for it, and now you’re gonna get it. I have to tell you about the future. Hey not too early I sleep in Sunday’s, hey McFly, you’re shoe’s untied, don’t be so gullible, McFly. Damn, where is that kid. Damn. Damn damn. You’re late, do you have no concept of time?

Oh, then I wanna give her a call, I don’t want her to worry about you. Your not gonna be picking a fight, Dad, dad dad daddy-o. You’re coming to a rescue, right? Okay, let’s go over the plan again. 8:55, where are you gonna be. Right, I got it. Hot, Jesus Christ, Doc. Jesus Christ, Doc, you disintegrated Einstein. Well, what if they didn’t like them, what if they told me I was no good. I guess that would be pretty hard for somebody to understand.

He’s a very strange young man. Yeah. Well looky what we have here. No no no, you’re staying right here with me. Hey McFly, what do you think you’re doing. Science Fiction Theater.
Stefan Ciorici

Whoa, whoa, Biff, what’s that? Thank you, don’t forget to take a flyer. Well, now we gotta sneak this back into my laboratory, we’ve gotta get you home. That’s right, twenty five years into the future. I’ve always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I’ll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series. You want it, you know you want it, and you know you want me to give it to you.

How can you do this to me?

What the hell is a gigawatt? Kids, we’re gonna have to eat this cake by ourselves, Uncle Joey didn’t make parole again. I think it would be nice, if you all dropped him a line. Good morning, Mom. Look, I’m just not ready to ask Lorraine out to the dance, and not you, nor anybody else on this planet is gonna make me change my mind. Let’s get him.

The girl that was hunting me. This is a demo caption.

You wanna a Pepsi, pall, you’re gonna pay for it. Yeah, it’s 8:00. You know Marty, you look so familiar, do I know your mother? Hey c’mon, I had to change, you think I’m going back in that zoot suit? The old man really came through it worked. Hello.

Leave me alone. Yeah. Well gee, I don’t know. What, well you mean like a date? Look, you gotta listen to me.

That’s for messing up my hair. Of course, the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance they’re supposed to go to this, that’s where they kiss for the first time. Doc, you don’t just walk into a store and ask for plutonium. Did you rip this off? Bear with me, Marty, all of your questions will be answered. Roll tape, we’ll proceed. Look, you gotta listen to me.

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Yeah, alright, bye-bye. What? Oh. Okay, alright, I’ll prove it to you. Look at my driver’s license, expires 1987. Look at my birthday, for crying out load I haven’t even been born yet. And, look at this picture, my brother, my sister, and me. Look at the sweatshirt, Doc, class of 1984. Because, you might regret it later in life. I don’t wanna know your name. I don’t wanna know anything anything about you.


Nothing, nothing, nothing, look tell her destiny has brought you together, tell her that she’s the most beautiful you have ever seen. Girls like that stuff. What, what are you doing George? Doc, you don’t just walk into a store and ask for plutonium. Did you rip this off? You can’t, uh, that is, uh, nobody’s home. Doc, Doc. Oh, no. You’re alive. Bullet proof vest, how did you know, I never got a chance to tell you. About all that talk about screwing up future events, the space time continuum. What?

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It’s uh, the other end of town, a block past Maple. No. The appropriate question is, weren’t the hell are they. Einstein has just become the world’s first time traveler. I sent him into the future. One minute into the future to be exact. And at exactly 1:21 a.m. we should cat h up with him and the time machine. Lynda, first of all, I’m not your answering service. Second of all, somebody named Greg or Craig called you just a little while ago. I know what you’re gonna say, son, and you’re right, you’re right, But Biff just happens to be my supervisor, and I’m afraid I’m not very good at confrontations.

Never mind that, never mind that now, never mind that, never mind- Wait a minute, wait a minute, Doc, are you telling me that you built a time machine out of a delorean. Crazy drunk drivers. Excuse me. Huh?

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