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One Year Blog Anniversary + Hesey Bag Giveaway

One Year Blog Anniversary + Hesey Bag Giveaway

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised- Proverbs 31:30

Hey lovelies!!!!  I’m super excited to because my blog is ONE today!! I still remember my first post like it was yesterday..haha! Now it has grown into something that’s bigger me…I only wanted to share posts on clothes I wear and give some makeup tips but now I get a lot of emails from young girls telling me I inspire them because i don’t only help the outward appearance, I help the ‘inner man’ too…I guess that was God’s plan after all.

Thank you for all your support and kind words…I’m super grateful!!

 Ill love to meet more bloggers this year, do more giveaways, do more spiritual posts, more reviews and more videos etc..I’m just really excited to see where God is taking this to!! 😀

Okay so let’s get to the reason you are really here..lool….To celebrate my blog anniversary, Hesey designs and I have collaborated to give out TWO bags from their new collection check it here!!! what did u just say?? u love me?? I know!!! l love you more! 😀

hesey design ankara bags (2)

hesey design ankara bags (5)

ALL you have to do is

Like the fashion engineer on Facebook HERE

Like Hesey designs on Facebook HERE

 Then Leave a comment on this post with your twitter handle or email address so you can be contacted if you win

(the winners will be picked from the comments at random)

Don’t forget TWO winners will be picked


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