My Wishlist
Things I hope to get on my birthday (April 23rd!!!!)
A CAMERA!!! (I’m tired of the web cam pics)preferably a NIKON D3100
Jeffrey Campbell night walks!!!IM STILL IN LOVE WITH THEM!!
Them Lagos Snapbacks!! check here
Superyogo AND PUFF PUFF!! my very own soul food!!loool
A new Fone!!chai!! my fone haff suffered it needs a younger sister..loool
MONEY!! owo is needed by awon girls ooo!!
Even if I get none….
Ill very much want to grow in my relationship with God and be relevant to His kingdom and depend solely on him without fears, attain all my goals and be a better person for myself and the society…THIS I SHALL GET!! (MATTHEW 7:7)
One of my best songs!!!