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You love your man right? But sometimes his style is just not on point. Here are Jay Osbie’s three top tips to ensure your man looks his best:

  1. Compliment him when he gets it right.

There are days when your man will be looking fly, Ladies, don’t hold back. This is the perfect opportunity to make him feel like he’s your knight in shining armour. Let him know that he looks good and be specific about what he’s got right. Compliment him when he’s around others so he feels proud of his accomplishment. Whether it’s the cut of his shirt, his camel chinos or suede loafers, shout from the rooftops when he’s looking his best.

  1. Guide him when he gets it wrong

Nobody likes to be told what to do. You will be more effective in influencing your man’s style if you subtly persuade him, without him even realising. Let’s say you’re both getting ready for a big night out, that party when all your friends will be there and you need him looking his best. Instead of leaving it to chance, pre organise two outfits for him and let him choose which one to wear. You get to dress him and he gets to choose. Win Win!

  1. Give him some off-days

Not everyone can be perfect all the time. Give your man a day when he can relax, wear that scruffy vest top and old trainers you abhor and get away with it! He will love you even more for it.

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