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How to place an order with ASOS from Nigeria

How to place an order with ASOS from Nigeria

Hey you guys!!! Sorry I haven’t been  constant with my posts 🙁
A lot of people always ask me how I order from Asos ,it’s quite easy …so let’s get to it!

When you sign up,in the zip code option,search this site for your own area code,I don’t know about you but when I started using the internet I’d always put in 234 which is very

Make sure your card allows international transactions ,it’ll usually have a MasterCard sign on it
(P.s Guard your card jealously coz all a person needs is just the card number in front and the CID code at the back,most sites don’t ask for your pin code and be careful the sites you use,I was defrauded recently)

If you choose the express service option or if your order is over 100 pounds,they’ll send your order through a company in Oshodi

This time my order was over 100 pounds so the company contacted me with an extra N2,900 bill for customs clearing and I paid on delivery when they brought it to my house , I didn’t complain much coz this guarantees your getting your order at the right time too!

You can even track you order

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ThreadUp Review, Tahari Blazer


If you choose the normal delivery option and if your order less than a hundred pounds,you’ll need to get it from your Nearest Nipost office,they could also deliver depending on the size,it could take 3,4 weeks tho

Some things I got
t me add that its not every time I order something from here that I like, some items look good in pictures and not so cute in person, sometimes I don’t like how the material feels on my body, sometimes the size isn’t right. Nothing beats ordering from here in Nigeria, so you can always return if you don’t like

Hope you found this helpful,will you be shopping from ASOS soon?
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