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House of Tara Product Review

House of Tara Product Review

hajia gambo sawaba

Brush Wash

 Dirty brushes can harbor bacteria and cause breakouts and washing brushes with water and soap and waiting for them to dry can take hours The solution? Deep clean your brushes with soap once a week and spot clean with a good brush cleanser, like Tara Brush Cleanser, after every use.

hpuse of tara brush cleaner hpuse of tara brush cleaner hpuse of tara brush cleaner

Spray a little directly on your brush or on a tissue, then wiggle your  brush around the tissue  and its clean!IMG_5458 Makeup Remover

The special thing about this remover is that it contains coconut essence which prevents drying of your skin

See Also

hpuse of tara makup remover hpuse of tara makup remover

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