ELF Studio SPF 45 Sunscreen Protection Review

Using sunscreen has become a very important step in my makeup and skincare routine , I tend to get products that have sunscreen in them and I also try to avoid the sun as much as I can
I discovered the elf sun protection and I was excited to get it because it is a powder, I had never come across a powder sunscreen before!
I use this after applying my powder, if your lighter in complexion you might be able to get away with using it to set your foundation ,that doesn’t work so well for me, I look like a ghost lol
To apply I use a brush, and I blend it fast, I find it hard to blend it tho’ ( That’s the only bad thing I observed)
I love that my face doesn’t look white-ish if I take pictures using flash unlike the ELF HD powder
P.s Sometimes I still apply my normal sunscreen before applying my foundation, you can never get too much sun protection
You can get affordable Elf makeup HERE