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Dress Up: Music Meets Runway 2012

Dress Up: Music Meets Runway 2012

 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings (news) of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2: 10-11

Merry Christmas to you guys!!!!!I do hope your having a good time celebrating the birth of Christ… may we live long to see many more Christmases in Jesus Name.

So after all the hustle to get oshoo-free tickets  my ‘sister’, Tosin  and I attended the music meets runway show at Eko hotel yesterday and YES we got free tickets..lool

Ill post the runway looks tomorrow by Gods grace but for now I’ll just do an outfit of the day post.

I love the peplum trend but i love leather sooo much more!!! so when I found this leather peplum top, it was the perfect mix!

You can pair a peplum  with soooo many pieces but today I decided to pair it with a gold skater skirt I designed myself for an extra girly look while Tosin paired hers with a houndstooth pencil skirt

Tip: If you stay within the same colour family, this combo might actually be mistaken for a cool is that?!

music meets runway 2012

Check out Tosin’s blog here , She’s  not my real sister btw,people always thought we were coz we look alike’..hehe

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Leather Peplum: Swiss Collection (233332BA) and I have a similar one for sale // Gold skater skirt: Designed by me // Neon Pumps: Target // Earrings and Necklace: // Ankara Clutch: Hesey Designs // Belt: Asos// Hand chain is actually a bag chain (I lack bangles x_x)

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As for my hair, I’m selling but only blonde in stock for now..mail me if interested

See Also
ThreadUp Review, Tahari Blazer

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music meets runway 2012 (11)

Pictures taken by my brother Anthony

P.S I got myself a Christmas gift, a canon T3i FINALLY!!! My prayers have been answered…Shout out to those who prayed for me too!! Only God can reward you for me 😀 ….so no more bad quality pictures and flimsy excuses not to blog :D..and don’t forget Jesus is the reason for the season find time to worship Him today..LOVE YOU!! 😀

Have a Fantaboulous Christmas

Sayedero Enytan


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