Where to get sunscreen in Nigeria

One of the frequently asked questions we get is where to get sunscreen in Nigeria
1 Sun Therapè Face Moisturizer HERE
2 Mary Kay TimeWise Day Solution Sunscreen SPF 30 HERE
3 Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen – SPF 55 HERE
4 Dermafix SPF50 Sunscreen HERE
5 Banana Boat Sunscreen HERE
6 Avon Sun+ Sunscreen Face Lotion SPF 40 HERE
7 Banana Boat Quick Dri Sunscreen HERE

ELF Studio SPF 45 Sunscreen Protection Review
Using sunscreen has become a very important step in my makeup and skincare routine , I tend to get products that have sunscreen in them and I also try to avoid the sun as much as I can I discovered the elf sun protection and I was excited to get…
In "Beauty"

Review: Smart Shield Sunscreen
The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night -PSALM 121:6 (NIV) Hey you guys!!!...hope u'r all good..sorry I've been so distant, I'm done with my exams now!!I'll have plenty time to blog!! whoop!! So I was sent this sunscreen last month but I wanted to use it…
In "Beauty"

POTD: Metallic Flash Tattoos
I love tattoos! The only reason why I wont get one is because I change my mind way to easily,plus the ones I love most are the full sleeve ones *yeah that's never happening* If you're like me and you don't want to make a "commitment* ,temporary tattoos are here!Flash…
In "Fashion"