Autogele Ready made Gele Review/Demo

Tying a Gele is one of those superpowers I know I’ll probably never possess -I have tried so many times,I just never get it!I was so glad to discover some companies have started making a ready made gele. One of those comapnies is Autogele
Theirs is the easiest I’ve seen so far-The Gele comes pleated all you have to do is adjust the strap at the back, knot the tying ends and viola! Your a Gele pro and It takes about 10 seconds!
I hardly go for weddings/owambe parties ( I don’t like them-yes I have a problem lol ) so I got black to go with everything-they can make any colour you want and you can give them your own fabric to convert to a ready made Gele too
It’s really nice. I know of another company but can’t remember their name now. Oh well, cheers to innovation!
Im with you on that! cheers to innovation
Very nice. Will I ever learn or tie one on my head? Probably not.. lol
Nice makeup too…
Is Kissing A Sin
Cool. This is what I always wanted . Hope it’s as perfect as the video