Taking Care Of Your Bracelet

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If you have recently bought some Pandora jewellery, especially a bracelet, then there are some things that you can do to take care of it and keep it in excellent condition. Below you will find a range of advice that will tell you what you need to do to keep that bracelet shining and in excellent condition, as well as how you can clean it to keep away the dirt and grime.
Do Not Forget To Take Your Jewellery Off!
One of the excellent things with Pandora bracelets is you can get creative with them, especially the charm bracelets, so much that you do not want to take part with them ever! However, if you’re going to ensure that your bracelet looks as good as the day that you got it, there are some things that you need to do. Do not wear it to bed or when playing sports as perspiration can cause damage. Take them off when you go swimming as both salt water, and chlorine can also damage them. When applying hairspray or perfume, ensure that you do not get any on your bracelet, so it is best to put on your jewellery last. Whenever you are using cleaning products, also take off your bracelet to avoid damage.
Cleaning Your Bracelet
No matter how careful you are in protecting your bracelet from adverse conditions, there will come a time when it will require cleaning. The best way for you to clean your bracelet other than taking it to a jeweller to be cleaned is to get a soft toothbrush and a very mild soap. Add the mild soap to lukewarm water and apply this to the bracelet. Then take the soft toothbrush and use this to remove all the dirt and grime from the surface. If you have some really stubborn dirt which will not come off, soak it for a while in clean water, then apply the soap and scrub gently with the brush.
How To Store Your Bracelet When Not In Use?
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Another way that you are going to help preserve your bracelet and keep it shiny like new is to store it correctly when it is not in use. It is essential that you do not store your jewellery in the bathroom, as you need to keep it away from heat and humidity. You will also want to keep it away from direct sunlight, which makes the best place to store your bracelet is in a jewellery box. A jewellery box will protect your bracelet and other Pandora jewellery from heat, moisture, and sunlight, as well as keep everything in one convenient and safe place. They also fit nicely on even the smallest dressing table!
For more information on how to clean and take care your jewellery, there are articles you can find on Google with just a few keystrokes.
Choose The Occasion
You will also want to choose the occasion when you wear your bracelet and other jewellery. If you are going out to an event, other than going around your friend’s house or to your local pub, it is okay to wear.
Image Source: Pixabay
The more that you wear your jewellery, the dirtier it will get, so if you are going to wear your bracelet a lot, make sure that you also clean it regularly.