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Street Style:One Sunday like that…..

Street Style:One Sunday like that…..

sorry for the heading…didnt know what to call it..loool

HIYA!! I think I should be doing these streetstyle posts more often…abi? what do you think?

Peju…She a designer,she designed this peplum top..u need to see how many orders she got! i made an order too…..dont have her contacts but ill tell her to comment on this post

IMG_5589 IMG_5558 amaka vanessa IMG_5562 ajasco

Ajasco!! her real names funmi tho’….lool…those studded flats are just the bomb(im I still the only one that says that tho’?) titi odubela

Titi OdubelaIMG_5576 fope bademosi

Fope Badamosichiagozie Chiagozieonome

Onomeolive and yemiYemi and Olive..I love this picture and their shoes!!

Which look do you like best?

Have A Fantabulous Day

Sayedero Enytan


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