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Cover Girl

Cover Girl

Hey guys!!!

So if you’re following me on Instagram or Twitter,this isnt ‘new’ news 😀

I’m a cover girl!!! This is the second time actually,I never got hold of the first magazine because I was still in school  at the time or sumn like

Anyways,I feel very honored and EXTREMELY FAVORED! I never started blogging with the intention of being on the cover of anything but after the Spotted feature I told God I wanted to be on the cover of a magazine and here I am!!

Thank you guys sooooooo much for your prayers,kind words and sticking with me even when I go AWOL

I cant explain the feeling I get when I go out and some people walk up to me to say “Are the fashion engineer? I read your blog!” Takes me back to when I started with my low quality web cam pictures! GOD IS TOO GOOD YOU GUYS!

Just get up and DO! don’t procrastinate,STAND UP AND START! it doesn’t matter how small you start! Don’t forget that he who is diligent in his work will stand before kings and not mean men (Prov 22:29) …I just give all the glory to God!

*P.S : To celebrate this I’m starting a new section on my blog called “SO YOU THINK YOU CAN BLOG?” Ill be answering the general questions I get from people about blogging,I’m not the perfect blogger but I believe I can help someone

If you have any questions,you can also drop them in the comment box below 🙂

Dress: Virgos Lounge ( Cette online sells Virgos lounge in Nigeria)

Hair : Anne Elise Real Hair 

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