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How has the Fashion Industry Changed Over Time?

How has the Fashion Industry Changed Over Time?

Sustainable fashion denim

As clothing has evolved, so has the fashion industry. From the earliest days of society to modern times, fashion’s pressures and standards have changed according to the flux of society and its economic strife. For example, in feudal Europe, during a time before mass production, expensive garments were limited to royalty and the wealthy because tailors had to make them by hand with expensive materials. 

By the end of the 18th century, however, the Industrial Revolution had taken off, and mass production was in full effect. These times were marked by burgeoning urban areas and cities that were experiencing a population boom. The number of people living in the cities brought with them unsanitary conditions making it difficult to produce clothes cleanly and quickly enough to satisfy demand. This boom in the urban population led to a rising middle class and an increased demand for textiles, especially cotton. At the same time, industrialization was eliminating jobs that once kept lower-class populations occupied, like farming and skilled trade work.

Additionally, inventions like the sewing machine made it possible for women to buy cheaper clothing instead of making them by hand. These changes in the industry led to consumers demanding a wide range of affordable clothes in order to keep up with changing fashion trends. Check more at

Fashion Industry Changed Over Time:

The fashion industry has seen continual change throughout its history. However, the major shake-ups in the industry occurred during periods of rapid economic growth and technological advancement. In the past centuries, clothing has been used as an indicator of class, wealth, and societal position. In ancient Greece, clothing styles represented a person’s occupation based on what they wore. The wealthy wore togas indicating that they were tradesmen and artisans. Slaves wore tunics or trews, indicating they were commoners and farmers. However, the fashion industry has changed significantly over the last century. The creation of mass production has opened up doorways in all industries, including fashion. This, in turn, has allowed aspiring individuals to start their own businesses, thus leading to an expanding clothing market. For example, the early 1900s saw a rapid increase in the number of women working outside of the home. This led to an increased demand for new and affordable undergarments for women who were now spending two or more hours a day at work.

Factors Impact on Fashion:

The fashion industry has seen significant changes in both its structure and the way that consumers view garments. During the Medieval era, clothing was used as a symbol of wealth, status, and occupation. This led to subcultures such as the gentry and working class. In modern times, however, clothing is used much more like a commodity that reflects your personal preference or career status, like a job title or college major. The main factors that impact your decision on purchasing an item of clothing range from psychological to geographical and social factors.

Sustainable Fashion:

With the changes in our society and the economy, sustainable clothing has become a growing trend. In ancient times dress was very simple, and many garments lasted for years before being replaced. As western society developed, so did fashion. It became more complex, with more detail and cheaper material using less expensive labour to create them. This change has led to two significant issues that consumers face today. Clothing produced today still requires vast amounts of materials and labour. Sustainable fashion projects are designed not just to ensure that the clothes made are good for the environment but also for the people who wear them by using fewer materials, assisting local communities and paying fair wages. Sustainable fashion often uses recycled materials, like pieces of cotton, silks and linens that were not processed at the beginning of their life cycle. This reduces waste and makes an environmental impact while also serving to support local economies. Sustainable fashion projects also utilize new production techniques that are cost-effective and allow for labour to be paid fairly.

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Advancement of Textile Production:

One of the biggest impacts on the fashion industry has been the huge advancement in textile production. Changes in technology, such as sewing machines, have resulted in a division among garment makers and improved their ability to produce new styles and change with the fashion trends. Production of textiles has also resulted in changes in the way garments are constructed and marketed. Most products are manufactured using processes that allow many parts to be produced at once and then assembled during production. This means that a garment is made up of many interlocking pieces. This has resulted in very cheap and easy-to-make clothes that have become popular with consumers.


As the fashion industry continues to expand worldwide, it is becoming more important for designers, marketers and consumers alike to understand the influences that have shaped our way of viewing and buying clothing. This knowledge will be critical in ensuring that our society does not look back regretfully as we pass on clothes with toxic materials to our children.

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